The Curve of Time by M. Wylie Blanchet

If she could do it in 1927, why can’t I in 2010?

I have this book, you see. First saw it on the bookshelf at the home of our Alaskan friends, Wayne and Tania. I browsed The Curve of Time, then had to go and get my own copy at Powell’s Bookstore.

The Curve of Time is a true family adventure story from long ago, long before GPS. In Canada it’s considered a classic.

Muriel Wylie Blanchet, a newly widowed mother of five, decided to take her kids on a 25-foot cruiser, the Caprice, and explore the coastal areas of British Columbia. And not just once: she wound up doing this every summer, for years.

Talk about a badass widow on a mission to educate her kids. I think I have a brand new hero figure.

Oh, to replicate such a journey.  How can I learn those skills?

Because the kids would never forget it their whole lives long.

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